Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Here We Are

We are big Family Of UNISMUH FKIP B 2010

Satu gambar bernilai seribu kata.

Iseng menunggu Waktu MID Test Entrepreneurship

Inilah Calon ibu-ibu Pejabat :D. ckckckckkc  
Tetap eksis.
What are you doing girls?? ckckckckc

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

7 Kebiasaan yang membuat sulit tidur

Apakah Anda kesulitan tidur di malam hari? Solusinya adalah menghilangkan beberapa kebiasaan di bawah ini :

Kurangi begadang
Siapa bilang waktu tidur itu hanya untuk anak-anak? Perhatikan jadwal tidur Anda, khususnya di akhir pekan. Tubuh kita menyesuaikan dengan rutinitas. Jika waktu tidur Anda tidak teratur — pukul 11 malam selama beberapa hari, lalu begadang sampai jam 1 pagi di hari lain — otak Anda tidak siap untuk tidur di hari kerja.

Membawa buku ke tempat tidur
Membaca sebelum tidur adalah kebiasaan banyak orang. Masalahnya, tubuh Anda akan beradaptasi dengan rutinitas tersebut — tubuh akan menolak godaan tidur sebelum Anda menyelesaikan beberapa bab. Lebih baik duduk nyaman di sofa bila Anda ingin membaca. Tempat tidur seharusnya dibatasi hanya untuk tidur atau seks.

Membuka Facebook sampai lupa waktu
Kecerahan dari layar komputer Anda bisa menstimulasi otak. Ditambah, otak Anda akan sulit berhenti berpikir soal hal-hal menarik di Internet, meski Anda sudah keluar dari situs tersebut. Hindari main Internet di malam hari dan matikan komputer Anda. Berikan diri Anda waktu bebas dari barang elektronik.

Tempat tidur yang tidak nyaman
Tempat tidur yang bagus hanya berharga mulai dari $ 500 (Rp 4,6 juta) sampai $ 3.000 (Rp 28 juta). Uang Anda tidak terbuang sia-sia. Matras yang bagus akan membuat tidur Anda lebih lelap. Hal yang sama juga berlaku untuk seprai

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

My imagine

When I am sad, I imagine you cheer me up.

When I am Happy, I imagine you right there with me.

When I am Scare, I imagine you come to comfort me there.

When I am Sick, I imagine you take care to me.

When I am cold, I hope you come to warm me up.

And I always imagine,,You will be here with me :)

You will always in My Imagine :D

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Alhamdulillah, Makasi Ya Allah SWT

When earLy morning comes , One thing that my mom and dad aLways remind me .. 
' wake up my daughter , wake up honey , Lets take your duty '
Yeah , time to pray .
Time to THANK to ALLAH SWT .
Thanks for every breath , every Life that given to me everyday ..

Pagi yang cerah d.awaLi dgn senyum dan bismiLLAhirrahmanirrahim , 
InsyaALLAH jaLan akan diLapangkan sm yg d.ATAS . Amien :)

Berterima kasih untuk setiap NAFAS


Tugas Microsoft Office

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Senin, 14 Mei 2012

The Difference between Poetry and Prose

I have learned introduction to literature which is contain about poetry and prose. Sometimes, I got difficulty to differentiate poetry and prose. They are almost similar. Because of it, I try to search what is prose and poetry actually. I also try to find what is the difference both prose and poetry. Eventually, I found from website the difference between prose and poetry and I want to share it to you. Here the explanation :

Poetry is art in itself. It is a rhythmical type of literary composition that usually serves to excite the readers. Either written down or spoken orally, poetry is characterized by an imaginative and attractive expression of one’s thoughts, usually in a elated manner. It is metrical, which means that poems are metered or structured. Poetry also observes a sense of pattern that puts into consideration the words that connect each other, either in terms of sound or original word meanings. That’s why readers often encounter rhyming words in poetry. These rhymes act, not just as mere ornaments, but also help convey the overall meaning of the piece. In addition, poetry is represented in lines, and not sentences, and that’s why one can quickly distinguish the lines one, two, and so forth, for the entire piece.

On the other hand, prose is quite ordinary; no wonder it is regarded by many as the most typical language form. Because of this, prose is observed in many areas of writing, most especially in newspapers, magazines, and even encyclopedias.

It is very similar to poetry in the sense that it can either be written or